Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lecture at the FED school

Last week Nina and Our recent Divemaster Graduate, Koen visited the FED School - here is the story of what they did!

"On a sunny Monday morning me and our divemaster Koen headed to Burmese school to give a presentation to the kids about Manta Rays. Our expectations were high. We already heard so many good things about these kids and their ambition to learn more about their surrounding environment. My ambition is the ocean and the incredible creatures that inhabit it. Being given this opportunity to share it with school kids was like a Christmas present. But at the same time I was nervous: these kids really listen. They have spend most of their lifes surrounded by the ocean and fishing industry. Their knowledge and experience on the local ocean is greater than mine but they've never been told how fragile or sensitive it is and how badly it's suffering. So raising awareness in behalf of the Manta Rays and our local reefs was a challenge that I was happy to face.

When we entered the classroom we were greeted by a happy crowd of 22 kids between ages 13 to 18. The welcome was warm and full of anticipation. I opened my presentation by asking the kids how many knew what Manta rays were and how many had seen one. Surprisingly many had seen rays but only a few had seen a Manta and unfortunately a dead one. So when I showed them my first video of Manta Ray playing with the divers on the local dive site they were just blown away. During the presentation the kids were making notes frequently and following my lecture intensively. At the end we did a Manta Ray quiz with and the winner (who got 14 out of 15 points!!!) got a Wicked Diving T-shirt with a Manta Ray on the back.

I went to the school to raise awareness and to show the kids another side of the ocean life. I ended up being educated. The questions and the wonderments the kids had made me think of things in another way and see them from another angle.

Our goal in the community work we do is to try to get the local community involved with the diving industry. We are the foreigner coming to their towns and their culture and using their natural resources. We should give something back to them and also get them participate. And it's not only about giving and taking and us and them, it's working together for the same purpose: to keep our oceans healthy and alive."

Thanks Nina, Koen and all the kids for participating.

A special thanks to each of our guests as well! Without you, none of this is possible. 2% of all our revenue goes to projects like these.

Wicked Diving Thailand

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