Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Khao Sok Lake Diving

From Dani after a recent trip...and photos from Leigh Dunne

What about sleeping in a floating house surrounded by astonishing limestone karsts, waking up
early in the morning with the gibbon's call and, before having breakfast, go kayaking in the calmest
waters, looking for monkeys, birds and other wildlife? And, afterwards, jump from the longtail and
dive the lake waters, amongst trees, caves, stalagtites and curious catfishes? All this is part of the
amazing experiences that you can live in the Chiau Lan Lake in the Khao Sok National Park.

Around Khao Lak there are not only beaches, islands and coral reefs! The Lake is only at 2 hours
car ride from our office.

Lake Diving in Thailand? Yes, is an experience that have been described in a lot of different ways
for the people that have been enjoying it: unreal, completely different, creepy, of a weird beauty,
awesome,...we would agree with all of them.

We are talking about a young lake; only thirty years ago, before the waters sunk all the area, this
was part of the ancient and rich rainforest that fills all the park and surrounds the lake, one of the
richest and oldest jungles in the world. This means that, underwater, there are still a lot of huge
trees from this jungle. Also, as you're going discover in your trips with the longtail and the bamboo
raft, and from you walks through the jungle, the area is full of misterious caves, and, underwater,
of course, is not different. While flying amongst the dead branches of these impressive trees,
spectacular stalagtites surprise you, welcoming you to caves; and, while staying outside, admire the
stalagtites that come from far ahead you, the stone columns, and, pointing inside with the light of
the torches, more and more stalagtites and holes, and darkness...and, between the rock formations,
an elusive and fantastic featherback swims away, and inquisitive catfishes come close to you,
guessing what are these big and strange things that make bubbles and visit their quiet territories.
find out more about our Khao Sok Lake Diving
Other species that you can find are: tiny freshwater shrimps, transverse-bar barbs, nandids or, If you
are lucky, a green pufferfish. But, altought all this animals are amazing and interesting, what really
catches the people is the landscape and what is surrounding you. Diving around “tim burtonian”
trees and ancient stalagtites, being touched by the barbels of an inquisitive catfish, and then surface
in this marvelous landscape, is really something different!!!

And what about the conditions? Is lake diving, but don't think about the diving in mountain lakes
back home; here we are not talking about altitude diving nor about cold water diving. Diving in
Chao Lan is being submerged in warm waters, the same temperature as the one you enjoy when
diving around the Surins or the Similan Islands; yes, we are talking about 29 C...a tropical lake! So
you are going to be able to dive confortably with your shortie, or If you like, with your swimming
suit. And, If you add to this the fact that you are diving in fresh water, you are going to be amazed
about the small amount of weights that they need (or not at all!). Also, the waters are so calm that
sometimes, in front of motionless pieces of dust or a solitary hovering leaf, you have to look to your
dive computer to make sure that the seconds are still running, and that the time hasn't stop; a feeling
that you can have often during your dives in the lake.

-Similan Diving

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