Saturday, March 23, 2013

Komodo Liveaboard Trip Report: March 22nd, 2013

For this Komodo Liveaboard we said Hello again to team "special", Donna, Rikki and Dimiti, to Darryn and to Maria :) We also said welcome to Kylee, Loni and Ryan.

First dive was on Sabalon Kecil. Great dive and if this first dive is was certainly gonna be a good trip. Even pygmy seahorses were found!
In the evening we played an interesting game, cards against humanity?! :)

The next morning hardcore day with four dives. Castle rock to start and it was - as always - beautiful. Fish everywhere, sharks and small critters as well.

The Second dive was an exploraty dive for the Wicked team. Now it may seem like we know all the sites, but Komodo Marine park is simply massive with more than 100 named dive sites and easily 200 more un-named! So it's going to be years before we have dived every single site! Today - Batu Moncu. WOW what a site! Sharks in the deep, lots of macro in the shallows, a bit of reef, bit of wall and big boulders it just has it all. And to top off the day...The passage was dive three of the day. Nice drift. Good dive.

Time for some sunset time after the big work out. The viewpoint was great and its good to set some foot on land. Not for too long because The night dive was waiting. Another kind of muck dive. Lost of great things to see. We had very tiny pipefish found by Darryn, thank you for that! Flatworms and lost more. It was a long day with lots to see and do.

Second morning we started of with Batu Bolong. Always interesting dive. Sleeping sharks, big turtles and big school of giant Trevally.

Second dive was well worth it! Karang Makassar A.K.A Manta point. Everybody saw lots of manta's. Darryn even had a moment with a Manta... Because of The current was pushing we flew by while The manta's were just hanging there. Never get bored of seeing them! We even collected some information for The Manta program.

Last dive of the day was Penga kecil. Marcel's group wantend to see manta's on the trip. Marcel made that happend. After that they wanted to see a turtle. And thats what Marcel showed them on this dive. Thats what we try to do. People ask and the  guides find it (usually)

For sunset we had a special surprise. We went to see the flying bats at Pulau Kalong. And after diner we played some more cards against humanity. And lets just not tellen where that was about ;)

For The last morning we threw in another dive because it was just to much fun to stop diving. Wainilu was the last dive. Juiste great to look in the sand for anything really. And it was all there, nudi's shrimps, crabs spearing mantis shrimp, juvenile baramundi and on and on.

Last but not least everybody went to see the dragons. And yes...they are big and more impressive then "the animals in Australia".

Afterwards the Jaya went back to Labuan Bajo with sails up and a totally re-enegized sense of wonder! Its been a great trip.
Thank you all!

Diving Komodo

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