Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Komodo to Gilis: First Expedition of the year mid-point update

somewhere in Komodo

The first Wicked Diving Expedition of the year is currently underway: 10 days from Komodo to the Gili Islands. Halfway through the trip, they got mobile phone reception and uploaded this update and photos! 

On the 31st of March, the first Wicked Diving Expedition of the year left Labuan Bajo and headed out to the Komodo National Park where the initial leg of the trip was to be spent.

The Jaya
Joining us on boat were a "campuran di negera" ( mix of nationalities). Diego from Italy, but an Ozzie resident, Gazza an Ozzie resident with Italian heritage, Doug from the UK but working in Saudi, Martin ex Wicked DMT and fireman from the UK, Patricia from Belgium who has spent many years living and diving in SE Asia, Maggie from Hong Kong with a very American accent, Pete from lovely Leicester in the UK currently residing in Cheltenham, Anna, Nicole, Chris and Rickard from Sweden all friends joining the trip together and earning some well deserved holidays in Indonesia and Vijay from California who’d just spent 3 days on the Jaya and was ready for another 10 days. We were also joined by Lia Barrett, friend of Wicked and professional photographer and Brian, another ex DMT and captain in his home town ready to share his sailing and knot tying experience with us.

Relaxing between dives, pretending to be captain
Also onboard were out tireless crew hailing from all over Indonesia; Captain Ahmed, Heri, Marwan, Suleman, Ahmed, Dullah and Mala and dive crew Ricky our Irish trip leader, Valentino from Sulawesi, Marcel from Flores and Jo from sunny England.

With plenty of time to explore the plan was to hit up the National Park from North to South and that’s exactly what we did. During the first five days notable dive sites visited were Pillarsteen and 3 Sisters near to Padar and Manta Alley in the South of Komodo. The South of Komodo is noted for its cooler waters and it’s more rugged appearance – and of course these cool nutrient rich waters bring in large pelagic and create a great environment for interesting macro life too.

And a very special guest!
Coolest Captain in Komodo

One topside condition that was noted by all of our guests was the blissful isolation. Bar one other boat we spent our time in the south entirely alone. The Jaya cut a dramatic picture framed by the craggy cliffs and bays of the region. The diving was pretty breath taking – not just the 20 degree water! A highlight for most was the 2 dives made at Manta Alley which lived up to its namesake with divers spending most of their dives surrounded by mantas which were both feeding and cleaning. We were lucky to see a couple of pregnant females and also a small and larger melonistic mantas, which are all black in colour and look like ninjas cruising in the current. We collected useful data for our ongoing work and research with The Manta Trust and also got some great ID shots. We’re hoping some of the mantas we saw are new to the database so that divers will get a chance to name them. (You can read more about our special trips dedicated to Manta Ray or Shark Research)

On our way back up to the centre we stopped off on Komodo island, as what visit would be complete without a chance to view the dragons. We headed in early in the morning and were lucky to see a large male dragon relaxing by the waterhole. The intrepid got close for photos and then we headed off to the hills. We also spotted wild deers, wild pigs and white cockatoos and got an education on the plants growing naturally and how to local villages use these in their daily lives. As is our custom at Wicked Diving, we also did a beach clean-up.

The rest of the day was spent in the centre of the National Park with a beautiful (and warm) dive at Tatawa Kecil were crystal clear vis complemented this dramatic site. Then during the surface intervals we spotted a pack?! Swarm?! Herd?! of mantas at Karang Makassar. Snorkelers grabbed their masks and were literally engulfed by mantas. Those who stayed on the boat weren’t to miss out as the witness multiple mantas breaching and flipping in the air!

Beach Cleanup on Komodo

Needless to say, Karang Makassar was full of mantas for all the divers too, who’d yet to get bored of them. Doug was even in kissing range of one lucky beast. An eventful night dive began with a surprise briefing for Martin to give to the group - we’ll keep the content between ourselves as it may not be too family friendly. It ended in dramatic style too as crew and Gazza wrestled a wayward sea snake from our dingy!

The next day we made an early morning dive at Siaba Kecil and then we were bound for Labuan Bajo to restock supplies before the next leg of the trip begins – heading to Gili Banta, twin peaked volcano Sangeang, the northern coast line of Sumbawa, crater lake island Satonda and the playground of rich and famous – Moyo. When we arrive in Gili Trawangan we will update you on the adventures we had along the way.

-Indonesia Diving Expeditions

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