Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wicked Diving Komodo’s newest collection

Ok. We don’t mean to brag, but we are a little excited. We want to show you our new range of coconut shell jewellery which is available to buy in our dive shop in Labuan Bajo.

The range includes handcrafted manta ray necklaces and manta ray earrings, turtle key rings and Komodo dragon brooches. These have all been exclusively designed and made for us by the residents of Komodo island.

We’re particularly excited about them as they have been made for us from coconut, which is widely available and doesn't impact the marine environment. Similar items were available, but they were all taken from shell from the marine park. We loved the designs, but wanted them crafted in a sustainable material.

We have now noticed an increase in the use of coconut from some of the traders within the park. Our guests have the option to buy directly from the local traders and we always recommend purchasing coconut or other sustainable materials. We hope in this way we will see a distinct reduction in the amount of shell on sale.

In addition, purchasing these items on an ongoing basis from the Komodo National Park fishermen, we are offering an alternate source of income to fishing. Win win! We have been lucky that some of the traders have embraced this with an entrepreneurial spirit and hope many more will follow suit.

There are almost 4000 residents in the national park, most of whom make a living from trade in local goods and sales of souvenirs. Wicked is committed to supporting local communities and we are happy to be able to offer these to our guests in the Wicked Komodo shop.

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