Monday, August 19, 2013

Throughout this busy season, at Wicked Diving In addition to this programme, we are also currently hosting 2 interns from Komodo village, located inside the Komodo National Park. Komodo KITA is an organisation which has developed a programme to improve employment options for the local population who live within the park boundaries  – effectively giving the land back to the people. Komodo KITA have taken 20 students who have been all been through a diving training programme and all have reached the level of Stress and Rescue divers. The goal of this programme is to certify these students to Dive Guide level, so they are able to seek employment here in their home.

We are presently hosting Rusdin and Gavfur, both of whom are participating in this programme.  Wicked Diving’s role in this is to allow them exposure to international guests, to improve their  spoken English skills, to increase their number of dives and their comfort levels in the water. Rusdin and Gavfur have been working very hard with us over the last couple of weeks, joining trips on all three of our boats and working closely with our dive guides and instructors.

Wicked Diving strongly believe that we have a responsibility to invest in the local communities in which we work. There’s no better way to have a direct impact than working with the young population. We hope we can provide valuable, life changing experience in our contact and also have a hand in reversing some damaging habits, such as plastic overuse and littering.

Wicked Diving Komodo

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