Monday, November 12, 2012

Wicked Diving Expedition - Pulau Kri

From a few days ago :)
The Expedition continues, this time they are making their way West. Currently they are around Pulau Gam. 

Last night they dive Pulau Friwinbonda, which may sound like a mouthful....but the diving was spectacular. Plenty of juvenile Shaded Batfish, cowries everywhere, many different stingrays, Stonefish, Slipper Lobsters. But the real highlight as an Epaulette Shark on the reef. These sharks tend to "walk" along the reefs on their pectoral fins as they hunt at night. What a sight!

They also dived at "Sardine reef" off of Pulau Kri which is located on the Dampier Straits. This was a super "fishy" dive with so much going on that they could barely see the reef for all the fish!  Just a few of the species they mentioned seeing:
Massive schools of Fusiliers
Schools of Barracuda
Bumphead Parrotfish
Schools of Snappers 
Heaps of Sweetlips. 

In the days ahead the Expedition will be heading West towards Halamahera and beyond. You can follow their hourly progress here:

We also have a Facebook page you can see more of the photos and gossip on. 

And if you were curious - we are offering 2 different 10 day trips in 2013 Wicked Expeditions

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