Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Similan Liveaboard November 10-13, 2012 Trip Report

Our Similan Liveaboard just returned to land with a whole boatload of smiling faces. The trip was blessed with amazing weather - sun, sun and more! But we got just a hint of rain and some thunder  - just enough to make it refreshing and fun, though wet on the night dive….but we were already wet!!! 

We started at Similan Island number 5 at beautiful Anita's Reef. While for most this was the first dive, but it was already the tenth dive for Stephen and Daniel that had been on the boat for the last 3 days where they visited the Surin Islands and Richelieu Rock. After some consideration - Stephen decided to take the Nitrox course and was studying hard!! Donna and David joined the trip while Donna was suffering from a strained ankle. We thought this would be a problem but she convinced our instructor Steve that she could go diving with one fin on, and of she went!  Over the trip she wiped all our doubts with her strong character and persistence!!!Stellar performance. We enjoyed a late lunch and then a relaxing afternoon on the quiet, sandy, heavenly beach on Similan Island 4. Even then the day was not over as we still made it for a last dive on Stonehenge with some nice drifting current. And then the night is coming and after enjoying once again too much food (thanks to our amazing chef P'Nok), its time for werewolf! Everyone tried to lie their way to victory, but failed and laughter ensued!

Need we mention that Wicked offers both diving and snorkeling? On this trip we were joined by the lucky guests; Renaud, Guylaine and Camilla who can testify to how good it was as they spotted a mangrove stingray at 15meters deep on Similan island 9 at Christmas Point. 

We also had a lot of diversity among the divers on this trip with a group of 10 young Norwegian divers coming to Thailand for the first time with instructor Nils (who had been in the Similan Islands last year..and the year before !). Everybody had the chance to discover the tropical marine life, and for a few of them, it was time to take it to the next level -  so congratulations to Lise, Tina, Vermund, Steinar, Ingrid, Kritine, Anders, Magnill who just finished their advanced course!!! And see soon, because they are coming on the boat for the Richelieu/Surin trip in just three more days!!!!

But one of the highlights of this Similan Diving Liveaboard…and one we had to wake up a few guests was a large pod of whales. Yes…WHALES. The pod numbered more than 100 and there is much discussion over the proper identification. They were either a very large pod of Pygmy Killer Whales (which usually travel in smaller pods) or a small pod of Melon-head Whales (which usually travel in larger pods). Either way shouts of "Whales" at 7 in the morning was enough to get everyone running to the sun deck!!!!!

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