Friday, May 6, 2011

Thailand to Komodo Expedition - Orangutans and Fireflys

Wicked Diving's Thailand to Komodo expedition has lasted more than a week - and everyone on the trip is still very excited and enjoying themselves.

The past few days found the Jaya sailing up a river INTO the heart of the Orangutan sanctuary and rehabilitation center in Southern Borneo (Kalimantan) - Tanjung Puting. Known as Camp Leakey, this is one of the main centers of Oranutan research and rehabilitation in the world.

Not only did the guests go out and explore the refuge - they did an overnight trip up the river and slept on the boat in the middle of the jungles of Borneo!

They saw many, many species in the refuge. Highlights include (of course) the Orangutans - adult and juvenile - and the opportunity to fed and actually interact with them. But also Proboscis monkeys, longtail gibbons, monitor lizards, enormous butterflies, hornbills and more.

However - one the highlights of the visit to the refuge was sleeping on the boat in the middle of this river. The fireflies numbered in the tens of thousands and they said that everyone who had energy stayed up as long as possible, entranced by the light show.

They are currently en route to the next destination that you've probably never heard of...Pulau Masalembu. More on that tomorrow!

Orangutan means "man of the forest" and how true it is. However, most of their habitat has been destroyed for massive plantations for basic commodities like palm oil. In addition there is a lot of poaching for zoos, private collectors and more. Due to massive reduction in habitat, the population is at risk and they are endangered. However, they are simple a marker species that we all recognize. There are many, many more species that are at risk throughout this part of the world.

What can you do to help? One way is to change your habits! Make sure your foods are Rainforest friendly. Responsibly sourced products are hard to find in the United States but are available. In European countries it is pretty easy to access these goods. The other way to help is by sponsoring an Oranutan!

If you would like to join our adventures in Komodo, you can join our 3 or 6 day Komodo Liveaboards.

-Wicked Diving, Komodo

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