Friday, May 6, 2011

Thailand to Komodo Expedition - Pulau Masalembu and Indoensia's Bermuda Triangle

Pulau Masalembo - the heart of Indonesia's Bermuda Triangle

After a few days at the Orangutan Sanctuary and a quick visit to the small town, the Jaya is back in the Java Sea and headed off to the next destination. Pulau Masalembu. Another island very, very far off the tourist path.

This small island is located about halfway between Borneo (Kalimantan) and Bali. This Island (or two islands) is also known as Indonesia's Bermuda Triangle! There have been two significant airplane crashes in the area (Garuda and Adam air) for no discernible reason as well as the capsizing of a large ferry in the 80's. In addition there are stories of many smaller boats sinking in this region.

The seas are often rough in this area due to the geography and large waves are frequent, regardless of weather conditions. Settled mainly by Bugis people from Sulawesi, it is reliant purely on fishing these rich waters for revenue. The islands are very poor and rarely served by supply vessels.

They are quite scenic and look very interesting. There are only a few photos online and hopefully we will produce some new ones :)

They are home to a few interesting species - most notably the White Indonesian Cockatoo. These are nearly extinct in the wild - but are found in these islands.

There is virtually nothing written about the diving or other activities in the area. So, once again the Jaya and Wicked Diving is off into unexplored territory. We will certainly fill you in shortly! Pictures and videos will come later.

If you would like to join Wicked Diving on a Komodo Liveaboard just contact us.

-Wicked diving, Komodo

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