Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thailand Divemaster Course - the final days of first sessions...


Thailand Divemaster course -
BETH, TIM and JACOB, or DMTs act more as a DM everyday, the have come a long way. From refining skills and relearning buoyancy, to helping people underwater, setting up dive activities and even having some of our customers problems solved.

They have evolved into Divemasters gradually and now they are almost ready, SMB deploying is now natural to them, they proved to themselves that they can pass the stamina tests and in case of an emergency they are sure of their capacity. Mapping, navigating and briefing a divesite is now done good to be explained to anyone.
Divemaster training Thailand

Paperwork is ready to be sent to PADI, all requirements have been met, but still, even when your instructor and your diveshop tell you you are ready, there is something missing.

The confidence, the training and the oportunities are there.

It is just the confidence to jump in the water for the first time being independent and responsible for that first group of divers.

That sensation is the one that transforms you in the end.

Thailand Divemaster Course

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