Saturday, June 8, 2013

Komodo Liveaboard - Trip Report June 7, 2013

After Jaya came back from a 3 day trip we restocked on fuel and fresh food in LBJ. It was then time to go out again a few hours later. Laura, Jan and  Zaida came back out and we said hello to Tim, Blair, Dayana, Lashack, Kara, Mary, Paul, Lauren, Adam and Amy. The staff on the trip was Jo, Marcel, Carl and Mickey.

The sun was shining and the sea was flat so it looked like it was going to be a good few days. Our Komodo Diving Liveaboard arrived just before sunset in Sabayor for a snorkel. Cuttlefish were seen together with some stingrays and the sunset was just amazing! The clouds changed from white to orange to pink to red. It was just beautiful.When the sun was down it was dinner and games time. Some new uno was played with two handed players. Jo lost her right hand real soon but her lefty didn't give up!

First morning easy relaxing dive to start the day at Sabayor as well. After that it got more and more fishy and filled with corals in Tatawa Besar and Castle. It was so filled with fish in Castle Rock that we nearly lost each other between all the fish. Just great! Sharks were swimming around just no idea where to look anymore.

Then Carl's group was going diving for navigation and all the other guest went for the first ever Extreme Wicked pirate style big beach clean up. And it was Wicked!!! 

The group was divided into two teams. Both teams had to collect rubbish and pack it into a bin bag. The team who filled there bin bag quickest was the winner. Everybody was dressed up as a pirate and when Jo blew the whistle everybody started running like crazy to get there bags filled. Within a minute Marcel's group found a second bin bag completely filled with rubbish already, man that's good effort! They filled another bag pretty quick as well and Tim's group was there shortly after with a full bag! And that all within 8 minutes, Good work Wicked pirates!!! They all deserved a little prize and a beautiful sunset on top off the hill.

Second day started with The Passage. There was a gentle drift so we didn't have to swim at all. We all just looked at the sharks that passed and at the end we got treated with a big school of Bumphead parrotfish. Second dive was Karang Makassar and the hope to see some manta's. Everybody was lucky enough to see some - more than 2 dozen mantas!!! We managed to collect some information for The Manta Trust and just watched the happening. They are so gentle and beautiful to watch!

For the third dive we went to Batu Bolong were it was a treat to our eyes. Fish, nudi's and corals everywhere.The last dive of the day was a night dive at Wainilu. For many of us it was the first night dive and for others it was the first muck dive. Marcel found his group a robust ghostpipefish, really special and every saw a lot of critters because it was the  last night, drinks came out. Photos and films being watched and exchanged and stories were told.

Early morning of the last day we dived Penga. Loads and loads of schooling fish, nudi's swimming feather stars and more and more. Great dive to finish a great diving trip with! But it wasn't all over. After breakfast it was dragon time. Amy got so excited beforehand that she thought she was gonna see hundreds of dragons. She came back a bit disappointed but there were still enough around to enjoy the walk.

On the way back it was time to chill out for everybody except for Carl's group. They finished off all theory for there advanced course. and they all passed! Well done Kara for you're adventure Navigation and for Paul, Amy and Lauren for their full advanced course!
We had some tropical rain close to LBJ but luckily it was sunny and warm back in LBJ itself when we said our goodbyes to all.

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