Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Komodo Liveaboard Trip Report April 27, 2013

Our 6 day Komodo Liveaboard trips are made up of two-three day sections, with a brief stopover in Labuan Bajo to refuel and restock with goods. So we stopped by as a few guest departed, grabbed more fresh veggies and fruit - and we were off for another adventure in Komodo. We said Hello again to Debbie, Howard and Louis from The USA, Daniel from Holland, Patrick, Florian and Rene from France and Sam and Cyb from Australia. We also said welcome to our new guests  Mike from the USA and Saskia and Kailey from Canada and to DMT Ben from Canada as well.

Because we wanted to take it easy and chilled out we didn't do a dive this Day but a snorkel instead - we made Sabayur the place. The water was lovely and warm and visibility was great! There were morays and turtles and even some stinging we called the end a bit early but we got treated with a STUNNING sunset. And before dive staff even noticed, there was already UNO on The table. Great fun with "special" rules.

The first dive of the new day brought us many, many juvenile fish of many many different species!. Then the big school of Bumbhead parrotfish was a real treat.

After that we moves up to Batu Bolong for a second dive. Another brilliant dive with too much to see we couldn't even write it all down! Everything from exquisitely beautiful blue dragon nudibranches to massive giant trevally. And the top of the site is just amazing. During the whole dive we had Patrick as paparazzi following Mickey's Group and taking pictures of them.

Third dive was unforgettable!!!. The Cauldron. Our dive started off with a easy reef, just going into a little current to see the famous fishbowl and maybe get ready for some Wicked currents? YES, we got currents! Gave everyone a real thrill and then back into a beautiful reef full of soft corals. Exciting!

The next morning and we decided to do another current dive on The passage. We planned it well and went with the current. And there were lots of sharks. Four of them just hanging around in the middle of the dive site! Always fun to dive with sharks are be shown how little they care about humans - compared to having a nice lunch of small fish :)

Our second dive was on Castle Rock and we kept up our theme of Shark diving! Four Whitetip Sharks hanging around during the whole dive. But hey you can only watch sharks for so long...a BIG school of fuseliers and trevallies made this just a phenomenal dive.

Third dive off the day - was on Karang Makassar. We'd seen sharks, we'd seen reefs, now was it time for Manta Rays?

Did we ever! Diego planned his dive very well and had facetime with at least 6 of them, and one so close that they were scared they might get sucked into it's mouth!!!!

Night dive was a treasure Hunt at Wainilu. It was the first night dive for Diego's group and they  loved it. many moray eels, Nudi's spearing mantis, cowfish and more and more to see.

Next morning fresh wake up dive in Penga. Good diving, beautiful cuttlefish were many people spend some time watching it.

The dragon trek was interesting because of the confusion between the park rangers. We were supposed to have two rangers because we are in a big group. After some waiting in the restaurant and watching a dragon passing by closely a ranger came up to us to tell that we were going with only one ranger and we could make somebody from the staff ranger for that walk. As Micky is way to scared, it was Ben's job as a DMT to put his life at risk to protect the whole group from being eaten by dragons :) During the whole trip he was walking around proudly with his dragon protection stick asking everybody to take pictures of him. But he did do a great job and brought us all back alive! And we did see quite a few dragons. So thank you Ben.

After that it was sailing back to our Komodo Dive Center in Labuan Bajo, saying goodbyes and a big applause to Kaihley and Saskia who finished their Advanced course very well. Some laughing on the deep dive but its hard to  concentrate underwater while you having fun anyway!

-Dive Komodo with Wicked! 

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