Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wicked Diving Christmas on the Parinee

White Christmas on the Similan Islands
(White Sand Christmas that is...)

Starting with the first dive at the Boonsung Wreck close to Khao Lak with thousands and thousands of Barracudas circling us we were off to a great start. We eventually missed the bigger creatures at Koh Bon that day but with a large Napoleon wrasse, Octopus and a Sea snake every one was happy heading to Koh Tachai for the first night dive of the trip.

The waves did not shake anyone out of bed after an early start of the Parinee when we moved North to Richelieu Rock on Christmas Eve. The experience of two fantastic dives with mating Cuttle fish, Shrimps, Barracudas, Moray eels and never ending shoals of other fish let us forget the sometimes challenging currents. Some of us even got luckey to see a Sea horse. Back at Koh Tachai we had a fantastic dive at the Pinnacle where we watched a feeding frenzy of trevallies and a huge school of Chevron Barracudas circling the Northern Pinnacle. Christmas evening ended with another night dive at Koh Bon and an enormous dinner cooked together by P'Nui and P'Tai.

During our travels we enjoyed playing Rummikub and Yatzi till the late evenings. We will miss the sound of the dices and tiles on the wooden table. Chris' persistence paid out in the toothbrush game when he finally managed to kill Kerry after a 24 hour duel and won the prize for the game.

On Christmas day we did another 4 dives, finding more Octopus, a ghost pipe fish, turtles, Moray eels and other fantastic marine life around the boulder sites of islands 8 and 9. If someone waited for gifts under the Christmas tree then even their wishes got fulfilled. A treasure hunt for oranges made everyone a proud owner of various Wicked items like stainless steel bottles, t-shirts, bottle coolers, mask straps and hand made organic soaps.

We are happy that we could take you all out on this trip and thank the captain and crew who made the travels safe and convenient. We hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we did Thanks again for being such a great fun-loving group of people, you make the trips more of a holiday than a job for us - it was brilliant to meet you all, spend the Christmas days together & get to share the diving experiences with you.

We were honoured that Antoinette chose us as her birthday company - we hope you had a memorable day! Congratulations as well again to Sonia, Dino and Ciaran who passed their SSI Advanced Adventurers with Roland. Two thumbs up!

And to all - a good night!

-Similan Diving

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