Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Similan Liveaboard - 10-15 November 2011

The First Jaya trip of the Season

After 4 ½ months in Indonesia, and a week in Krabi getting spruced up, the Jaya’s back in town ready for the new season in the Similans. With Ahmad and P’Daeng at the helm for the next 5 days and 5 nights, we set off for Similan Island number 4, with P’Nok’s yummy fresh pineapple shakes to drink as the sun went down and we watched the Thai staff set sail their Loi Kratongs to celebrate the Thai festival of light.

After a check dive first thing next morning at Anita’s Reef, we moved up to island number 7 for a dive at West of Eden – more Eden itself, the dive was beautiful, we found a teeny little baby black ribbon eel, and we could’ve sat and watched the glass fish being hunted by the trevallies all dive! Sunset dive at Turtle Rock, plenty of different pipefish hanging around the rocks on this dive, and a few clown trigger fish too, looking all funny with their white polka dots and yellow lips.

A bit of a stormy evening, so we moved around the corner to get a bit of shelter for the night. Up early the next morning to be the first in the water at North Point, lovely visibility, and a big napoleon wrasse there to wish us a good morning! Time for land on island 4 to explore the beach and the wildlife, before our last dive around the 9 Similan Islands, Hideaway Bay.

Up to Koh Bon, clear skies after last night, and we made a dive in the bay, with some big tuna swimming past, loads of moray eels and lionfish.

Brownies and sticky rice with mango for snacks (P’Nok knows how to keep the guests happy!) – it’s a good thing we’re doing so many dives to burn off the calories!

Then, night dive time at Koh Bon north. We were delayed a bit by a storm, but when we finally dropped in it was well worth it, decorator crabs, tapestry shrimps everywhere, fimbriated morays and lots of bioluminescence.

Koh Bon Ridge the next morning, the dive site was covered in fish, we found some octopuses, and all the pretty soft corals were out in bloom. Up to Koh Tachai – like Koh Bon, not one of the Similan islands, but both are included in the Similan National Park.

A small pod of dolphins played with the waves at the front of the boat on the way, then once we were there, a current check and in at Koh Tachai Pinnacle. Lucky us, we had the dive site to ourselves, along with a big school of barracuda, batfish, some massive pufferfish, and a huge sailfish!

Beach time at Tachai once the sun wasn’t so high in the sky, Winnie spotted a black-tip shark just off the beach, with everyone all gathered together an ideal group photo opportunity! More food before the next dive, then in at Koh Tachai North reef for a chilled out sunset dive, a nice drift along a shallow reef, loads of fusiliers and trevallies, and 2 big African pompanos, very cool.

Up into the Surin National Park early the next morning for 2 dives at Richelieu Rock. This dive site’s always a crowd pleaser, and it didn’t let us down today! Baby boxfish all over, and a big school of barracuda, awesome diving.

Across to the Surin Islands for a chilled out reef dive, a nice contrast to the overwhelming dives at Richelieu earlier! Mellow drift along a reef, couple of Jenkins rays and a school of batfish to finish off the diving day. Beach time afterwards and then a sunset cruise back to Koh Tachai.

Finished off our 5 day Similan liveaboard adventure with another gorgeous dive at Koh Tachai Pinnacle, then a totally different but equally cool dive at the Boonsung Wreck, so many fish, baby barracuda all over the wreck, a lovely end to the trip!

-Similan Liveaboards

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