Thursday, January 27, 2011

Official annoucement from the head of Thailand's National Parks regarding the Similan Islands

The head of Thailand's Forestry Department (which includes all Marine Parks) has sent a letter to all dive operators in the region regarding the closure of two dive sites around the Similan Islands.
He states that the recent rise in water temperature in 2010 triggered a bleaching event in the Similan Islands. While some corals were affected...the damage was only serious enough on two dive sites to warrant closing them to human activity.

"There are 2 diving sites that will be closed:
1. Fire Wap Cape (Beacon Reef), Similan Island (8th Island)
2. East of Eden (Orchid House), Payu Island (7th Island)
The National Park will remove the mooring buoy or orientation borderline to not allow for all marine activities. Violators will be punished under the National Park Act B.E. 2504, article 18 and article 25: liable to imprisonment not exceeding one month or fine not exceeding 1,000 baht or both of punishment and fine.
Announced for all tourism operator have to strictly conduct according to this announcement when the situation back to normal the National Park will be announced to the next occasion.

For other areas, the National Park is still open for the tourists as ordinarily."

The complete letter can found here

Here at Wicked Diving we strongly support the wisdom of this decision and applaud the head of Thailand's Forestry Department - Parnumart Saamseeniam - for his decisive action. It is very comforting to see such forward thinking in those that oversee the natural resources of this region.

-Similan Diving

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