Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year To all...and a special one from a Wicked Diving guest...

One of our recent guests sent us this note....

Belated merry Christmas! My friend (Sze Lynn) and I have now left Thailand and wanted to express our thoughts about our 4 day Christmas trip on the Parinee. Where do we begin?!? Everything was fabulous. All our instructors, namely Suzanne, Karin, Kristian, and Ricky were all incredibly professional but at the same time friendly, generous and warm. Food, accommodation, the Thai crew, conditions, etc were great and far exceeded expectations.

Very special mention to our actual dive instructor and dive leader JP. He was everything we could ask for and much more. He really went out of his way to ensure Sze Lynn and I really enjoyed the dives but also to improve our technique and increase our confidence. Upon reflection, we consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be teamed with him (though he probably doesn't think so as we were pretty difficult divers initially!! But he never ever showed his frustration). JP really enhanced our trip and his wonderful attitude will not be forgotten.

Sze Lynn and I are now super keen divers and we are already talking about our next trip. If only wicked diving was located else where as we would surely love to go with your team again! (hint hint, wicked should expand!)

We will proudly recommend wicked diving to anyone who wants to hear it! (and we will proudly wear our new t shirts we purchased from the store yesterday to help advertise your group!)

Many thanks again to you for all you patient, helpful and detailed email correspondence. Your quick responses were very much appreciated.

Happy new year!

Christine and Sze Lynn

Warms our hearts and makes us work even harder!

-Similan Diving

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